最近为某公司配置了一个华为防火墙USG6309E,由于之前没有接触过华为的防火墙产品,所以对于华为防火墙的一些配置会显得有点陌生。好不容易配置好防火墙,让防火墙启用,在配置某些功能的时候确遇到了一些难题——当对华为防火墙URL分类进行配置的时候,URL远程查询服务器连接状态显示为“未连接”,但在一些基本的操作说明和web界面里面,均找不到URL远程查询服务器配置的地方。经过一番了解,只要在命令行界面(包括但不仅限于console配置、telnet、ssh 或 CLI 控制台)的特权模式中输入以下指令:country cn 即可解决问题。具体过程如下
[Firewall] country cn
To provide better security detection capabilities and ensure that you can properly use the device, select the country or region where the device is located before enabling functions such as sandbox collaboration and user experience plan. These functions involve data migration from your device. If the country or region information is incorrectly configured, the device may upload data to other servers outside your selected region, and you will be responsible for the impact (such as cross-border data transfer). To avoid these unnecessary troubles, you must correctly set the country or region where the device is located. Last updated: August 2019. [Y/N]